10 Clear Signs Your Guinea Pig Doesn't Like You

Guinea pigs are adorable and affectionate pets that are loved by many. However, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if your guinea pig feels the same way about you. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 clear signs that your guinea pig doesn’t like you.

Have you noticed that your guinea pig is constantly running away when you try to approach them? This could be a sign that they don’t feel comfortable around you. Perhaps you’ve been handling them too roughly or your movements have been too abrupt. Whatever the case may be, a guinea pig that consistently avoids you is not a happy one.

Another indicator that your guinea pig doesn’t like you is if they refuse to eat food from your hand. Guinea pigs love to nibble on treats and hay, but if they turn their nose up at anything you offer them, it’s likely that they’re expressing their displeasure with you. Similarly, if your guinea pig only eats while you’re gone, it might mean that they don’t want to be around you.

If you’re concerned that your guinea pig isn’t fond of you, don’t worry! There are several simple ways to improve your relationship with your furry friend. By being patient, gentle, and consistent in your interactions, you can help your guinea pig learn to trust and enjoy your company. So read on for more tips on how to make your guinea pig fall in love with you!

Signs Your Guinea Pig Hates You
“Signs Your Guinea Pig Hates You” ~ bbaz

Does My Guinea Pig Like Me?

Guinea pigs are social animals that enjoy the company of their owners. However, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if your guinea pig feels the same way about you. In this article, we’ll explore 10 signs that your guinea pig may not like you.

Running Away

Have you noticed that your guinea pig is constantly running away when you try to approach them? This could be a sign that they don’t feel comfortable around you. Maybe you’ve been handling them too roughly or your movements have been too abrupt. Whatever the case may be, a guinea pig that consistently avoids you is not a happy one.

Refusing Food

Another indicator that your guinea pig doesn’t like you is if they refuse to eat food from your hand. Guinea pigs love to nibble on treats and hay, but if they turn their nose up at anything you offer them, it’s likely that they’re expressing their displeasure with you. Similarly, if your guinea pig only eats while you’re gone, it might mean that they don’t want to be around you.


If your guinea pig bites you, it could be a sign that they’re unhappy with you. Guinea pigs usually only bite as a last resort, so it’s important to pay attention to their body language and behavior to prevent this from happening.

Avoiding Eye Contact

If your guinea pig avoids eye contact with you, it could be a sign that they’re scared or uncomfortable around you. Guinea pigs that trust their owners will typically make eye contact and even follow them around the room.


If your guinea pig spends a lot of time hiding in their cage or under objects, it could be a sign that they don’t feel safe or comfortable around you. It’s important to give your guinea pig plenty of hiding spots in their cage to make them feel secure.

Not Responding to Your Voice

If your guinea pig doesn’t respond to your voice or seems uninterested when you talk to them, it could be a sign that they don’t like you. Guinea pigs that enjoy their owner’s company will often squeak or make other noises in response to their voice.

Squealing or Running Away When You Pick Them Up

If your guinea pig squeals or runs away when you pick them up, it could be a sign that they’re scared or uncomfortable with you. It’s important to approach your guinea pig slowly and gently when picking them up to prevent this from happening.

Aggressive Behavior

If your guinea pig is displaying aggressive behavior towards you, such as lunging or biting, it could be a sign that they’re unhappy with you. It’s important to work on building trust with your guinea pig to prevent this from happening.

Refusing to Come Out of Their Cage

If your guinea pig refuses to come out of their cage or appears anxious when leaving it, it could be a sign that they don’t feel safe or comfortable around you. It’s important to create a safe and secure space for your guinea pig outside of their cage to build trust and confidence.

Clinging to One Person

If your guinea pig only shows affection towards one person in the household, it could be a sign that they don’t feel comfortable or secure around others. It’s important to socialize your guinea pig with all members of the household to prevent this from happening.

Improving Your Relationship with Your Guinea Pig

If you’re concerned that your guinea pig doesn’t like you, don’t worry! There are several simple ways to improve your relationship with your furry friend. By being patient, gentle, and consistent in your interactions, you can help your guinea pig learn to trust and enjoy your company.

Provide a Safe and Comfortable Environment

Guinea pigs need plenty of space to move around and explore. Make sure their cage is large enough and filled with plenty of hay, food, and toys to keep them happy and entertained. It’s also important to provide hiding spots and tunnels to make them feel secure.

Approach Them Slowly and Gently

When approaching your guinea pig, it’s important to move slowly and avoid making sudden movements. Use a calm and gentle tone of voice to communicate with your furry friend.

Offer Treats and Snuggles

Guinea pigs love treats and snuggles from their owners. Offer them fresh fruits and veggies, and spend time cuddling and petting them to build trust and affection.

Spend Time with Them Every Day

To build a strong bond with your guinea pig, it’s important to spend time with them every day. This could include playing with them, grooming them, or simply sitting by their cage and talking to them.

Be Patient and Consistent

Building a trusting relationship with your guinea pig takes time and consistency. Be patient and gentle in your interactions, and continue to offer love and affection to your furry friend.

Table Comparison

Signs That Your Guinea Pig Doesn’t Like You Ways to Improve Your Relationship With Your Guinea Pig
Constantly running away when you try to approach them Approach them slowly and gently; offer treats and snuggles
Refusing food from your hand Offer fresh fruits and veggies
Biting Pay attention to body language and behavior to prevent this from happening
Avoiding eye contact Be patient and consistent in your interactions
Hiding in their cage or under objects Provide a safe and comfortable environment with plenty of hiding spots
Not responding to your voice Use a calm and gentle tone of voice to communicate with your guinea pig
Squealing or running away when you pick them up Approach them slowly and gently when picking them up
Aggressive behavior towards you Work on building trust and affection
Refusing to come out of their cage Create a safe and secure space for your guinea pig outside of their cage
Clinging to one person Socialize your guinea pig with all members of the household


In my opinion, guinea pigs are wonderful pets that bring joy and companionship to many households. While it can be challenging to build a close relationship with them at first, with patience and consistency, you can help your guinea pig learn to trust and enjoy your company. It’s important to provide a safe and comfortable environment, offer treats and snuggles, and spend time with them every day. By doing so, you can develop a strong and loving bond with your furry friend.

10 Clear Signs Your Guinea Pig Doesn’t Like You

Thank you for taking the time to read about the 10 clear signs your guinea pig doesn’t like you. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for any guinea pig owners out there. Remember, having a guinea pig as a pet can be a wonderful experience, but it’s important to remember that they have their own unique personalities just like any other animal.

If you’ve noticed some of the signs we’ve mentioned in the article, don’t worry – it doesn’t mean that your guinea pig will never like you. Try spending more time with your guinea pig, offering them treats and toys, and giving them plenty of love and attention. With patience and consistency, you may be able to strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

At the end of the day, it’s all about understanding and respecting your guinea pig’s needs and preferences. By doing so, you’ll be able to create a happy and healthy environment for your pet to thrive in. Thank you once again for reading our article and we wish you and your guinea pig all the best!

People also ask about 10 Clear Signs Your Guinea Pig Doesn’t Like You:

  1. How do I know if my guinea pig doesn’t like me?
  2. If your guinea pig avoids you, runs away from you, or hides when you approach them, these can be signs that they don’t like you.

  3. Why won’t my guinea pig let me pick him up anymore?
  4. If your guinea pig used to let you pick them up but now resists or struggles when you try, this may be a sign that they no longer feel comfortable around you.

  5. What does it mean when my guinea pig bites me?
  6. Biting can be a sign of aggression or fear in guinea pigs. If your guinea pig bites you repeatedly, it may indicate that they don’t feel safe around you.

  7. Why won’t my guinea pig come out of his cage when I’m around?
  8. If your guinea pig seems reluctant to come out of their cage or only does so when you’re not around, this can be a sign that they don’t feel comfortable or safe in your presence.

  9. Why does my guinea pig always squeak when I try to interact with him?
  10. Squeaking can be a sign of distress or discomfort in guinea pigs. If your guinea pig always squeaks when you try to interact with them, it may indicate that they don’t enjoy your company.

  11. Is it normal for my guinea pig to avoid eye contact with me?
  12. Guinea pigs are prey animals and may avoid eye contact as a survival instinct. However, if your guinea pig consistently avoids eye contact with you, it may indicate that they don’t trust or feel comfortable around you.

  13. Why does my guinea pig always try to run away from me?
  14. If your guinea pig consistently tries to run away from you or hides when you approach them, this can be a sign that they don’t enjoy your company or feel safe around you.

  15. What should I do if my guinea pig doesn’t like me?
  16. You can try to build trust with your guinea pig by offering them treats, spending time near their cage without interacting, and speaking to them in a gentle voice. It’s important to respect your guinea pig’s boundaries and avoid forcing interaction if they seem uncomfortable.

  17. Can guinea pigs learn to like their owners over time?
  18. Yes, with patience and consistent positive interactions, guinea pigs can learn to trust and enjoy the company of their owners over time.

  19. What can I do to bond with my guinea pig?
  20. You can bond with your guinea pig by spending time near their cage, hand-feeding them treats, talking to them, and providing them with toys and enrichment. It’s important to let your guinea pig approach you on their own terms and avoid overwhelming or frightening them.