Hate Goes On Lyrics: Unleashing Emotional Turmoil in Words

If you are someone who loves music that speaks to your soul, then you must have stumbled upon Hate Goes On lyrics by The Unseen. This song perfectly captures the emotional turmoil of anyone who has experienced any form of hate in their life.

Right from the opening line, I’m sick and tired of trying to change, the raw emotions of frustration and pain are evident. The lyrics go on to speak about the difficulty of dealing with people who judge and hate without reason, leaving one feeling powerless and hopeless.

As the chorus plays, So I stand up, but I still won’t fight. Hate goes on while we’re left to die., you can almost feel the intensity of the agony and hopelessness that this song embodies.

Overall, Hate Goes On is a track that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt wronged, victimized or judged unfairly. If you want to experience music that truly speaks to your soul, then this is a track that you must listen to till the end. Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you with a new level of appreciation for the power of music.

Hate Goes On Lyrics
“Hate Goes On Lyrics” ~ bbaz

A Tale of Emotional Agony Unleashed: An Overview of Hate Goes On

When it comes to pouring one’s grievances and emotional turmoil into words, it often takes a particular level of vulnerability to convey the depths of these emotions convincingly. Even so, combining this raw emotion with lyricism and melody is an art form that few can do justice to. In this sense, Hate Goes On is a song that stands out. This blog article will provide you with a detailed comparison of the perspectives and experiences portrayed by this song.

Theme and Message

The song Hate Goes On by Fury in the Slaughterhouse, which was released in 1994, manages to encapsulate both the angst and poeticism of the grunge era while exploring issues that transcend generations. The central theme of the song is the cyclical nature of hate and violence – one act of violence tends to incite another, which leads to a perpetual chain of hatred.

The song’s message seems to be that, despite the relentlessness of such negativity, it’s essential to hold on to hope and seek compassion amid this cycle no matter what, as expressed in the song’s emotional refrain: if love was enough we could turn around / but hate goes on and on and on.


One of the most significant appeals of rock music, particularly grunge music, is its underground vibe, which recasts conventional art forms’ aesthetics. In Hate Goes On, the tone is characterized by melancholy, cynicism, and dark humor. These are all manifested through lyrics like the angels turned away from me / they said this boy has too much hate in him and my guitar screams out the things I keep in, describing his frustration with the world around him.

However, this darkness is often punctuated by moments of life-affirming hope and charity that flicker at the song’s edges. Hate Goes On’s tone is a study in contrasts, which makes it resonate with so many people, even decades after its release.

Lyrics and imagery

Overall, the imagery Fury in the Slaughterhouse vocalist Kai Uwe Wingenfelder creates endures due to its sheer poetry. Wingenfelder uses evocative imagery to capture fleeting moments like a yellow leaf falls from the tree and I saw the angels wading through blood that was knee-deep. These images emphasize the universality of the emotions the song explores.

The lyrics also aptly describe the general dilemma of fighting fire with fire. The songwriter highlights this by repeatedly stating, the hate goes on and on and on, emphasizing how destructive hate cam be.

Rhythm and Melody

From the captivating opening guitar riffs to the gradual crescendo of bass and drums that weaves effortlessly beneath Wingenfelder’s vocals, the rhythm of Hate Goes On is as precise as it’s electric. Similarly, the song’s melody showcases a complex interplay of guitar chords and harmonies that evolve as the song progresses. This mixture of simplicity and intricacy has helped make the song an anthem for outsiders and disaffected youth.

Moreover, the pure emotion behind the vocals align well with the music. The singer’s voice soars over his bandmate’s instrumentation, helping take listeners on a journey through the highs and lows that characterize the human experience.

Impact of the Song

The broad appeal of Hate Goes On can be attributed to its universal subject matter and expert musicianship. The song speaks to anyone who’s ever felt frustrated by the state of the world, experiencing a visceral reaction to it, thanks to its emotive vocals and exceptional musicality. It served as an anthem of sorts, inspiring countless individuals to keep pushing, even when dark clouds gather on the horizon.

The Healing Power of Music

Hate Goes On is an illustration of how music can serve as a healing force, lifting people out of unbearable darkness and despair. While love and hate go together like fire and gasoline, music can be the bridge between them, reminding us that there’s always light beyond the tar-black tunnels hatred can lead us down.

For people struggling with emotional issues, artful expression like Hate Goes On can be a source of meaning at times where nothing else seems to make sense. The message for those struggling is finding solace in the fact that there are others who understand their pain and can communicate it so beautifully through art.


Hate Goes On reflects the power of music in articulating our pain and hopes. Fury in the Slaughterhouse speaks to the general dilemma of combating hatred with love, leaving listeners to reflect on the perpetually tumultuous cycle implied in grappling with this emotion. The song’s message endures, inspiring generations of rock fans to hope for a better tomorrow amid an uncertain world.

Themes and messages Cynicism, the persistence of hate.
Tone Melancholy underlined by moments of hope.
Lyrics and Imagery Poetic and universal imagery that highlights the frustrating nature of hate.
Rhythm and Melody A complex interplay of guitar chords and harmonies that evolves throughout the song, captivating from the start with its opening riffs.
Impact of the Song An anthem for outsiders and disaffected youth who feel frustrated and hopeless in the world, proving to them that they are heard and understood.
The Healing Power of Music The song is an excellent example of how music can be a healing force when words fail us. Music is a bridge between love and hate, allowing us to communicate our pain and hope.

Dear valued visitors,

I hope that after reading my recent article about the Hate Goes On lyrics, you have gained a new perspective on how emotional turmoil can be unleashed through words. The power of music is undeniable, and the lyrics of this song are no exception.

I encourage you to take some time to reflect on the lyrics and contemplate the message they convey. We live in a world where hate and negativity seem to be all too prevalent, and it is important to understand the impact that our words can have on others.

Remember that kindness, empathy, and love can go a long way in making the world a better place. Let us strive to spread positivity and understanding, and come together to create a more harmonious society.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and read this article. I hope you have found it informative and thought-provoking. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below – I would love to hear from you!

People also ask about Hate Goes On Lyrics: Unleashing Emotional Turmoil in Words:

  1. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Hate Goes On?
  2. The lyrics of Hate Goes On talk about the emotional turmoil that comes with hate and how it can feel like it’s consuming every part of your being. It also explores the idea that hate is a cycle and how it can be difficult to break free from that cycle.

  3. Who wrote the lyrics for Hate Goes On?
  4. The lyrics for Hate Goes On were written by the band members of Three Days Grace, specifically lead vocalist Matt Walst.

  5. What inspired the band to write Hate Goes On?
  6. The band has stated that they were inspired by the current state of the world and the hate that seems to be prevalent everywhere. They wanted to write a song that would resonate with people who are feeling overwhelmed by these emotions.

  7. What is the message that the band wants to convey through Hate Goes On?
  8. The band wants to convey the message that hate is a destructive force that can consume us if we’re not careful. They also want to encourage listeners to break free from the cycle of hate and find a way to move forward in a positive way.

  9. What kind of response has the song received from fans?
  10. Fans have responded very positively to the song, with many saying that they can relate to the emotional turmoil described in the lyrics. Some have even said that the song has helped them to process their own feelings of hate and anger.