The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG: Defeat Your Opponents!

If you’re an MTG player, then you must have encountered frustrating situations where your opponent has built up a massive graveyard that leaves you helpless. The graveyard can be one of the most powerful resources in Magic: The Gathering and Graveyard Hate is the perfect way to counter it.

Graveyard Hate is a term for cards that help you remove or exile opposing player’s graveyard. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best Graveyard Hate cards in MTG to defeat your opponents.

We’ll cover everything from Black cards that exile graveyards, to Green cards that prevent their use. You’ll also learn about counterspells and how they can stop opposing players from filling their graveyards with creatures and spells.

By the end of this Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG, you’ll have a solid understanding of the most effective strategies and cards that will help you shut down even the toughest graveyard-based opponents. So, let’s get started!

Graveyard Hate Mtg
“Graveyard Hate Mtg” ~ bbaz


When it comes to Magic: The Gathering, there are few resources more valuable than a comprehensive guide to graveyard hate. If you’re not familiar with the term, “graveyard hate” is a catch-all phrase for cards or strategies that disrupt your opponent’s ability to use their graveyard effectively. That can include everything from milling to reanimation to sacrificing creatures for value. In this article, we’ll be examining The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG and looking at how it stacks up against other resources on the subject.

The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate

The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate is a free online resource that covers everything you need to know about graveyard hate. It includes an overview of graveyard-centric decks in each format, a breakdown of the different types of graveyard hate available, and a discussion of the pros and cons of each option. It’s an incredibly comprehensive guide that is well worth reading if you want to improve your game against graveyard-based strategies.


One of the biggest pros of The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate is that it’s comprehensive. The author has clearly put a lot of time and effort into researching and writing the guide, and it shows. The guide covers every imaginable facet of graveyard hate, from the most obscure sideboard options to the most popular maindeck staples.

Another pro of this guide is that it’s free. While there are certainly other resources out there for graveyard hate, many of them come at a cost. The fact that this guide is available for free makes it incredibly accessible to players of all skill levels and budgets.


One potential downside to The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate is that it’s very focused on the current metagame. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it means that the information in the guide might not stay relevant for very long. Decks and strategies in Magic: The Gathering are constantly evolving, and what works today might not work tomorrow.

Another potential con is that the guide can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of information to digest, and it’s presented in a very dense format. If you’re new to the subject of graveyard hate, you may find yourself struggling to keep up.

Other Resources

So how does The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate stack up against other resources on the subject?


MTGGoldfish is one of the most popular websites for Magic: The Gathering news, articles, and decklists. They have a section of their website dedicated to graveyard hate, which includes both budget and premium options for each format. While their coverage isn’t as comprehensive as The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate, it’s still worth checking out if you want a quick rundown of your options.


The Magic: The Gathering subreddit is a great resource for all things MTG. There are a number of threads dedicated to discussing graveyard hate, including recommendations for specific cards and strategies. As with any online forum, take everything you read with a grain of salt, but Reddit can be a great place to start if you’re looking for advice.

The Sideboard Podcast

The Sideboard is a podcast that focuses specifically on Magic: The Gathering sideboards. While they don’t have a dedicated episode on graveyard hate, they do touch on the subject frequently in their discussions of sideboard construction. If you’re an auditory learner, this could be a great resource for you.


At the end of the day, The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate is an incredibly valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their game against graveyard-based strategies. While it’s not perfect, its comprehensiveness and accessibility make it a must-read for any serious Magic: The Gathering player. Pair it with other resources like MTGGoldfish, Reddit, and The Sideboard Podcast, and you’ll be well on your way to defeating your opponents!

The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG: Defeat Your Opponents!

Thank you for taking the time to read The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG: Defeat Your Opponents. This guide explores the many ways that you can use graveyard hate cards to your advantage during MTG matches. It’s a powerful tool that any serious player should consider adding to their arsenal.

The first paragraph of the article discusses what graveyard hate is and how you can use it to your advantage. It goes on to explain how these cards work and why they are so important when playing against certain decks. Additionally, the guide provides readers with specific examples of the different types of graveyard hate cards that exist and how to use them to your advantage.

In the second paragraph of the article, we examine some of the reasons why graveyard hate can be so effective inside of a Magic: The Gathering game. For example, many players rely heavily on their graveyard as a way to maintain board presence and hand advantages. When you take this away from them, you’ve effectively cut off one of their primary sources of power!

Finally, in the last paragraph of the article, we conclude with a reminder that decks are constantly evolving and changing. As such, it’s crucial that you stay up-to-date on emerging trends and strategies within the game in order to remain competitive. By staying informed on graveyard hate cards, you’ll always be better prepared to take on your opponents and emerge victorious!

Thanks again for reading The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG: Defeat Your Opponents. Don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can refer back to it often as you continue to enhance your skills and become a better MTG player.

The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG: Defeat Your Opponents!

People also ask about The Ultimate Guide to Graveyard Hate in MTG: Defeat Your Opponents!

  • What is graveyard hate in MTG?
  • Why is graveyard hate important?
  • What are some examples of graveyard hate cards?
  • How do I build a deck with graveyard hate?
  • Can graveyard hate be used in any format?
  1. What is graveyard hate in MTG?
  2. Graveyard hate refers to cards or strategies that disrupt an opponent’s ability to use their graveyard as a resource. This can include removing cards from the graveyard, preventing cards from entering the graveyard, or exiling cards from the graveyard.

  3. Why is graveyard hate important?
  4. Graveyard-based strategies are popular in many MTG formats, and graveyard hate can be a powerful tool to disrupt these strategies and gain an advantage over opponents. Without graveyard hate, an opponent may be able to use their graveyard as a powerful resource, casting spells or activating abilities that would otherwise be unavailable.

  5. What are some examples of graveyard hate cards?
  6. Some examples of graveyard hate cards include:

    • Rest in Peace
    • Grafdigger’s Cage
    • Leyline of the Void
    • Tormod’s Crypt
    • Relic of Progenitus
  7. How do I build a deck with graveyard hate?
  8. When building a deck with graveyard hate, consider the following:

    • Choose cards that disrupt your opponent’s graveyard strategy
    • Balance graveyard hate with other strategies and win conditions
    • Consider the format you are playing in and adjust your graveyard hate accordingly
  9. Can graveyard hate be used in any format?
  10. Graveyard hate can be used in any MTG format, but its effectiveness may vary depending on the specific format and the decks being played. Some formats, such as Modern or Legacy, may have more powerful graveyard-based strategies, making graveyard hate even more important.