I Hate Myself Citizen Soldier Lyrics: Discover the Painful Truth

Do you ever find yourself listening to a song and feeling like the artist is speaking directly to you? That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard the song I Hate Myself by Citizen Soldier. The lyrics hit me hard, as I could relate to them on a deep level.

The song talks about feeling lost and alone, and how those feelings can lead to self-hatred. As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression, I know firsthand how easy it is to fall into that dark place. The line I hate myself more than you ever could really resonated with me, as it captures the intensity of those negative thoughts and feelings.

But the song isn’t all doom and gloom. There’s a sense of hope that runs throughout, with lyrics like I’m not giving up, I’m just giving in and I won’t let my demons win. It’s a reminder that even when things feel hopeless, there’s always a chance for redemption.

If you’re someone who has ever struggled with self-doubt or self-hatred, I highly recommend giving I Hate Myself a listen. It’s not an easy song to hear, but sometimes it takes facing the painful truth to truly start healing.

As I listened to this song, I found myself nodding along to every single lyric. The honesty and vulnerability in the words struck a chord with me. It’s not often that you come across a song that speaks so directly to your soul.

I think what I appreciate most about I Hate Myself is that it doesn’t shy away from the difficult emotions that come with struggling with mental health. The song acknowledges the darkness, but also reminds us that there’s always a chance for light.

If you’re going through a tough time, I hope you’ll give this song a listen. It’s a reminder that you’re not alone, and that you’re capable of overcoming even the darkest of thoughts.

I Hate Myself Citizen Soldier Lyrics
“I Hate Myself Citizen Soldier Lyrics” ~ bbaz


The world of music is vast and diverse, and every artist tries to convey different emotions and messages through their lyrics. Some songs talk about love and joy, while others express the pain and struggles that people face in their lives. One such song is I Hate Myself by Citizen Soldier, which is known for its hauntingly beautiful lyrics. In this article, we will compare and analyze these lyrics to discover the painful truth hidden within them.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of I Hate Myself are a reflection of the inner turmoil and self-hatred that many people experience at some point in their lives. The song talks about feeling trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and self-loathing, even when everything seems to be going well in life. It’s a raw and honest portrayal of the mental struggle that many people go through, but often keep hidden from others.

The First Verse

The first verse of the song sets the tone for what’s to come. It talks about feeling like a prisoner in one’s own mind, unable to escape the negative thoughts and emotions that constantly plague the person. The lyrics also touch upon the fear of rejection and failure, which is a common theme in many people’s lives.

The Chorus

The chorus of the song is perhaps the most powerful part of the entire track. It talks about hating oneself for not being able to break free from the negative cycle of thoughts and emotions. The lyrics echo the sentiment of many people who feel stuck in a rut and powerless to change their circumstances.

The Second Verse

In the second verse, the lyrics dive deeper into the feelings of hopelessness and despair that often accompany self-hatred. The words paint a picture of a person who is drowning in their own thoughts and unable to find a way out. However, there is also a glimmer of hope in the lyrics that suggest that change is possible.

The Painful Truth Behind the Lyrics

The painful truth behind the lyrics of I Hate Myself is that many people can relate to them. The song touches upon the struggles of mental health and self-esteem issues that plague so many individuals. It’s a reminder that no matter how successful or put together someone may seem on the outside, they could be battling their own demons on the inside.

The Comparison Table

Pros Cons
Raw and honest portrayal of self-hatred May trigger negative emotions for some listeners
Empathy-inducing lyrics that many people can relate to Somewhat repetitive in its message
Powerful chorus that leaves a lasting impact Not suitable for all audiences, given the heavy emotional content


In conclusion, I Hate Myself by Citizen Soldier is a hauntingly beautiful song that touches upon the painful truth of self-hatred and the struggles that come with it. The lyrics are raw and honest, and they paint a picture of a person trapped in their own mind. While the song may not be suitable for all audiences, it is a powerful reminder that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of their background or social status. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, it’s important to seek help and support in order to break free from the negative cycle of thoughts and emotions.

I Hate Myself Citizen Soldier Lyrics: Discover the Painful Truth

Thank you for taking the time to read about the emotional and thought-provoking lyrics of Citizen Soldier’s I Hate Myself. This song touches on themes of self-doubt, inner turmoil, and struggles with mental health. The honesty portrayed in the lyrics is both heart-wrenching and relatable, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.

If you resonate with the lyrics of I Hate Myself, please know that you are not alone. It takes incredible strength to confront our inner demons and seek help when needed. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, there are resources available to provide support and guidance.

We hope that our analysis of I Hate Myself has shed light on the painful truths conveyed in the song. It is important to remember that there is always hope, and that we have the power to change our lives for the better. Thank you again for reading and reflecting on this powerful piece of music.

Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about the song I Hate Myself by Citizen Soldier:

  • What is the meaning behind the lyrics of I Hate Myself?
  • What inspired Citizen Soldier to write the song?
  • What emotions does the song evoke in listeners?
  • Is I Hate Myself a personal confession or a general statement about mental health?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these questions:

  1. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of I Hate Myself?
  2. The lyrics of I Hate Myself express feelings of self-loathing, hopelessness, and despair. The song explores the complex emotions that can arise from struggling with mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. The lyrics describe a person who feels trapped in their own mind and unable to escape their negative thoughts and feelings.

  3. What inspired Citizen Soldier to write the song?
  4. While the band has not disclosed the specific inspiration for I Hate Myself, it is clear that the song was born out of personal experience and a desire to raise awareness about mental health issues. In interviews, the band members have spoken openly about their struggles with depression, anxiety, and PTSD, and how music has helped them cope with these challenges.

  5. What emotions does the song evoke in listeners?
  6. The song evokes a range of emotions in listeners, including sadness, empathy, and a sense of connection. Many people who have struggled with mental health issues themselves find the lyrics relatable and comforting, as they speak to the pain and isolation that can come with these conditions. Others may feel moved by the rawness and vulnerability of the song, or inspired by its message of hope and resilience.

  7. Is I Hate Myself a personal confession or a general statement about mental health?
  8. While the lyrics of I Hate Myself are deeply personal, they also reflect broader themes and experiences related to mental health. The song speaks to the universal struggle of trying to navigate difficult emotions and find hope in the face of adversity. As such, it can be seen as both a personal confession and a powerful statement about mental health and the human experience.